I chose to do a website on Jim Shampine well.. Because I am a race fan. It goes further than that though. It all started when I would sit around and listen to my dad talk, he was a little older than I am when he met Jim, and listening to all of these stories about Jim Shampine. All good stories of course. But I remember always listening to the stories, wishing he were still alive, so I could meet him, maybe even watch him race. He used to go up to Jim's house and ride snowmobiles with him. He told me to ask my aunt about him, since she knew him better and could tell me more about him. So I did and I was glad I did. She told me all sorts of stories about going up to Oswego Speedway with my great-grandmother, and watching him race. And I was always told it was a sight to see, but then she had told me a sad story. It was just after Jim's fatal accident and she had gone up to the hospital to visit, and when she had asked if she could go up and see him the nurse had said," I'm sorry, but he has passed away." Just typing that puts a lump in my throat so I could only imagine what it had felt like for her.